Education is one of Bo’s Effort’s core principles. We now offer mental health-related scholarships through two of our strategic partners: Scholarships for Scholars and Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center.
Stephanie Greenberg was awarded the 2024 LHAAMC Scholarship from Bo’s Effort. She is currently working in the LHAAMC McNew Psychiatric Inpatient Unit as a Psychiatric Staff Nurse and currently pursuing the Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) track within the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.
When asked what inspired you to work towards this degree, Stephanie answered, "There is a dearth of psychiatric providers at every level, and being a PMHNP will allow me to provide a greater degree of care to those in need." Stephanie is very appreciative for the Bo's Effort Nursing Scholarship saying that it "will have a significant impact on reducing my tuition and decreasing associated stressors."
Yeyin Chen was awarded the 2023 LHAAMC Scholarship from Bo’s Effort. She is currently working in the LHAAMC McNew Psychiatric Inpatient Unit and currently pursuing the Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) track within the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program.
“I have a strong passion to help those who are inflicted with mental illnesses, acute and chronic. Working with this population has given me new perspectives and has helped me empathize with the struggles that are unique to each individual. Seeing how people can be resilient and improve, I have found motivation to help those, especially considering the stigma that plagues mental health. At my previous job, I helped those who were uninsured or had no insurance at all and who struggled with finding providers. Seeing the underserved and the shortage of providers motivates me to become an advanced nurse provider.
As a full-time employee attending DNP classes with two young boys and a husband who also does shift work, life can often be the biggest obstacle to getting my work done. Additionally, low funds translate to lower opportunities to make arrangements for when life gets messy. Rarely do any of us have control over our lives, but I try to juggle the life I live as a nurse, a mother, and as a wife as best as I can. That being said, the Bo's Effort scholarship will definitely help me –– academically and psychologically –– to pay for my schooling and the resources I need.”
When I became a registered nurse, I knew I wanted to work with the brain or the mind. I have worked in the psychiatric/mental health field most of my professional career as a RN. This is my passion. I am driven and motivated to break the negative stigma and inspire others to educate themselves about mental illness. I helped open the Luminis Health J. Kent McNew Family Medical Center in April 2020, which is a stand-alone mental health facility that provides both inpatient and outpatient mental health services. With the help of scholarship funding from Bo’s Effort, I am able to continue my education and am currently working towards a master’s degree in nursing. I want to reach larger audiences, providing hope to those struggling with their mental illness and lack of resources. With the Bo’s Effort scholarship, I can work with confidence while simultaneously earning an advanced degree to support my future.
Scholarships for Scholars is a non-profit corporation established to reward scholastic excellence in Anne Arundel County granting scholarships to qualified graduating high school students. Scholarships for Scholars is unique as the organization receives its operating funds from escheat funds- monies left in an estate in Anne Arundel County without any heirs - along with individual, family, organization and corporate donations. In 1984, Scholarships for Scholars was formed, managed by a Board of Trustees who are leading members of the local community.
Through Scholarships for Scholars, Bo’s Effort awards scholarships to deserving high school seniors who have personal experience with mental illness or have chosen to go into the mental health field in some capacity upon graduation. The Bo’s Effort Scholarship Committee has the daunting task of reviewing several heart-felt essays from well-deserving, college-bound students and from those, selecting 5 to receive scholarships from Bo’s Effort. Scholarship recipients may use proceeds to help pay tuition, fees, books, technical equipment and room/board at the high education institution of their choice.
Bo's Effort was proud to award scholarships to Brianan Teal, Raeha Richman, and Rebecca Fick.
Bo's Effort was proud to award scholarships to Jayden Shiflett, Laci Petruccy, and Aileena Reed.