The money raised by Bo's Effort benefits LHAAMC Mental Health Services and NAMI, AAC. Bo's Effort funds the salaries for the new Behavioral Health Navigator Program at LHAAMC, and the very important Family to Family classes at NAMI, AAC. Click the button below to get more information about the NAMI Family to Family classes.
Our local chapter of NAMI has supported our family in offering their Family-to-Family class for caregivers of those with mental illness – free of charge. This 12-week course provided us information on mental health, the diseases, medications, the stigma, local resources, self-care for the caregivers – just for starters! It also made us realize that mental illness is far more prevalent than many think – and is so poorly understood by most. We gained an entirely new perspective on mental illness, how it impacts our daughter and our entire family – and we are so much more aware because of it. Thank you NAMI, Anne Arundel County! - Kim G
The Family to Family class was very helpful. You could spend a few years interviewing doctors and conducting your own research and even then, you would not obtain the information and education that this class provided me. Education is powerful! The class was therapeutic for me as I was able to express my concerns, questions, and feelings in a non-attribution environment. I also learned more about my sister's ailment and real actions that I should and should not take to help her. Most importantly was meeting the other family members who were going through a similar life-altering experience that my family and I were experiencing. Thank you for your continuing efforts - you have a positive impact on so many lives! – Adam
My husband and I attended the Family to Family class at a time when I felt at my wits end with the ongoing rollercoaster of managing the life of an adult child struggling with mental illness. These classes allowed my husband and I to become a caregiving team for the first time. Prior to taking the class, my husband had very little understanding of the constant difficulties our daughter faced or my own ongoing battle to keep her afloat. Sharing our story and hearing the stories of others put our journey into perspective. We no longer feel alone. We have people with whom we can confide the details of our days without feeling judged. They also help us with realistic problem solving, compassion, and even laughter! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the hardworking people of NAMI AAC! – Ruth
I can’t say enough about the Family to Family course. My daughter has a mental health condition. Taking the Family to Family course really helped me to understand the challenges she faces daily and to realize that she is very courageous. The information about brain function, empathy, communication, the class activities, and the sharing of experiences and strategies were invaluable. Learning about the brain and how it changes and works when someone has a mental health condition gave me knowledge that helped reduce my anxiety and provided me with optimism for change and recovery. I no longer feel alone, embarrassed, or guilty about having a loved one whose brain functions differently. They have compassionate and non-judgmental instructors. The course changed the way I view mental health. – Judie D.
After years of my loved one refusing to return to therapy, I knew I needed to educate myself, so I turned to a NAMI support group. I later signed up for the 12 week Family to Family course. I learned that I am on track as to my approach, as it relates to learning to live within my situation, how to communicate with my loved one and not forgetting my own self care. I also learned and experienced first hand that connecting with others 'like me' is crucial while continuing to live with or assist a loved one with a mental illness. The 12 week course fulfilled my expectations. – Rhonda
For many of our patients and their families, our support through the Behavioral Health Navigator Program takes away part of the stress of next steps. We have heard words of gratitude from families for taking the time to listen to their needs, concerns and for helping them to find appropriate resources. As an AAMC caregiver, it is rewarding to know that the support we provide is making a difference in their lives. – Alicia Penn, AAMC’s Behavioral Nurse Navigator.
My experience at this facility has been nothing short of amazing. I could write an essay about how wonderful the staff has been to me. – A Grateful Patient
I appreciated my family session and the advice given to them. I really appreciated the empathy shown everyone there. – A Grateful Patient
I felt I could go to anyone there with a problem. I am truly grateful.” – A Grateful Patient
The staff is so caring and treat me like family. – A Grateful Patient
With the help of scholarship funding from Bo’s Effort, I am able to continue my education and am currently working towards a master’s degree in nursing. I want to reach larger audiences, providing hope to those struggling with their mental illness and lack of resources. With the Bo’s Effort scholarship, I can work with confidence while simultaneously earning an advanced degree to support my future. – Desirae Smith
As a full-time employee attending DNP classes with two young boys and a husband who also does shift work, life can often be the biggest obstacle to getting my work done. Additionally, low funds translate to lower opportunities to make arrangements for when life gets messy. That being said, the Bo's Effort scholarship will definitely help me –– academically and psychologically –– to pay for my schooling and the resources I need. – Yeyin Chen
The Bo’s Effort Scholarship has made me realize that other people have been through similar mental health struggles, and I should never be afraid to raise awareness for mental health. – Caden Terrelonge
Thanks to the Bo’s Effort Scholarship, I’m excited to further my education, continue to learn about, and break the stigma of mental illness. – Caitlin Tweed